Geographic Filtering

This technology determines for your domain the policy to be applied according to the reputation of the country sending the received messages.

Note for Microsoft365 users: Geographic filtering will not apply to M365 users with the filtering service. This means that employees can talk to their colleagues wherever they are geographically.

The default view is divided into two parts, on the left the information and configuration proposals determined according to your flow and on the right the current configuration of your domain.

Left screen: Global barometer and proposed domain configuration

Right screen: Current domain configuration

Global and domain barometer:

By default, the global barometer is presented. This gives a global status of the e-mail threat on all domains protected by the service. (Worldwide statistics).

The "" tab (replaced by the name of your domain if applicable) shows the reception statistics for your domain over the last 30 days. The colour code allows you to quickly see the proportion of valid messages received.

Recommended configuration :

Depending on the source of the invalid message flow to your domain (see your domain barometer) and the global barometer, a configuration specific to your domain is proposed. This will apply a restrictive policy in correlation with the information collected for your domain. Based on the flow statistics recorded over the last 30 days, this configuration may not be available in the days following the activation of the service. The strict configuration applies an even more restrictive configuration than the recommended configuration. To apply one of the proposed configurations, click on the arrow on the map.

My G.R.E.A.T (Geogrphical Reputation Enhanced Antispam Technology) configuration

After applying a configuration, the right side of the interface will refresh and show the current configuration of your domain.

The reputation thresholds that can be assigned to areas/countries range over three positions:

Normal: Spam filters act in a normal way without affecting the origin of the message. The anti-bombing control is inactive.

▪ Strict: All messages are slowed down with the activation of the "grey zone" (or Grey Listing) a technology that initially denies the mail and leaves a window of validity to resubmit.

Very Strict: All messages are rejected.

If the chosen configuration does not correspond to the necessary parameters for your domain, you can modify the reputation threshold on a case-by-case basis, for each country or continent. In the event of a change, note that a continent takes precedence over a country.
