Humail setup page (captcha)

In filtering =Configuration of your e-securemail interface

In the "Spam" settings in your domain's security policy configuration area, you can customise the captcha control to be applied for the domain.

Here are the different possible actions of the Humail functionality:

  • Active: Activate humail protection
  • Inactive: disable humail protection
  • send captcha checks with
  • humail@yourdomain: send captcha checks with your domain name
  • Activation threshold: apply captcha protection from a certain score (if you set "0" a permanent check will be applied)
  • If attachment: send a check if an attachment is attached to the message
  • If single link: send a check if there is a single link in the message

Remember: Humanity control can be activated for the entire domain (directly from the Filtering page è Configuration) and/or for a security group (with one or more members) from the security group management.

Here are some examples of HUMail protection:

  • Activation score control: an authentication message is sent to the sender, when the score equals or exceeds the activation threshold (after anti-spam/virus analysis).


  • If attachment : You can run a HUMail check when an attachment is present. The sender will receive an authentication mail to prove that it is not a malicious robot but a human being.


  • If single link: contains a single link (URL to a potentially suspicious site) in the body of the message. The sender receives an authentication request email to prove that it is not a malicious robot but a human being.

You can customize the presentation area for your correspondents who write to you and are asked to validate the captcha
